Manassas Virginia

Manassas Virginia

Serving the Manassas, Virginia area for construction and contracting, WC Spratt has over 90 years of experience in and around the surrounding area.

  • Heavy highway and total site development is a Spratt specialty, a complete solution to elimination of multiple contracts and companies.
  • From 30 foot house service to a 14 mile water distribution system we work on projects with water storage tanks, pump stations and chlorine applications and more.
  • Sewers for home services to 5 miles of emergency replacement pumps. Sanitary Sewer Systems are designed with guaranteed cost methods.
  • Experience in 15″ to 110″ concrete pipe culverts for storm sewer networks all the way to underground storm water management.
  • Estimates for budgeting and program alternatives.
  • Pre-Construction planning and schedule impact suggestions.
  • Experience includes methods appropriate for any condition including horizontal directional drilling.